Posts Tagged ‘wtf’

Categories from the mind of the HoarseMan… What do they really mean?

OK, so HoarseMan discovered that they were called “Topics” instead of Categories… No big deal. He’s pretty sure you’ll get the idea.


  • HoarseMan Meaning: Business, jobs, just making a living in general – potential snark alert.
  • RealMeaning: “You’re kidding me, right?”


  • HoarseMan Meaning: This is – beyond the shadow of a doubt – stuff that HoarseMan has just made up. Did you know he has a website called “Ron’s Lies.”
  • Real Meaning: It’s true, sometimes the HoarseMan tells lies.

Apoapsis 1

  • HoarseMan Meaning: The Apoapsis: stuff gets written here when the HoarseMan is feeling way off center
  • Real Meaning: noun – (astronomy) the point in an orbit farthest from the body being orbited [ant: periapsis] WordNet® 3.0, © 2006 by Princeton University.


A scene from The Down Button a Rick Lynxwood film starring Ron Lynch Chalice

Q: Why is HoarseMan called HoarseMan? Isn’t it supposed to be Horse?

A: The answer to this question is already on the About Page, but it’s included in the WTF posts because some people never bother to freakin’ click on the ABOUT PAGE!