Archive for February, 2012

Checking out my pool in Bakersfield (surprised it’s water and not oil? I was) after a small quake.

Many writer friends are beginning to work on cover art as they expand into the ebook world, and nice graphics for their websites, and banners for their new Facebook fan pages.

Well… here’s something IMPORTANT you might not have considered — or is it Kernsidered?

I lived in Kern County California TWO times in my life. [I digress] In one place — Bakersfield, which is a suburb of  the oil metropolis Weed Patch —  I straightened all the pictures in the house several times a week and at least once a month saw little white caps in my swimming pool during a minor Three-or-Four-Point-Something tremor.

I’m here to talk about a potentially dangerous four-letter-word. I’m talkin’ ’bout KERN. K-E-R-N… It’s starts with K that rhymes with HEY — which is what they feed horses.

Rod Serling voice…. “Imagine a movie theater when the ORIGINAL version of Invasion of the Body Snatchers, with Kevin McCarthy,  is playing. You head out to lobby with your guy pals to get some of the stuff that gets every prepubescent man-child going…and when you open it it turns out to be candy!” (more…)